Washtenaw County Conservation District - Tool Bank & Rental Equipment

The WCCD Tool & Equipment Lending Library is designed to make various tools and implements accessible to local producers and landowners. Tools in the rental program are designed for conservation purposes. 

Open Hours: The WCCD tool loan check outs are available Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 1-4pm, or by appointment. Items must be returned by noon on the check-in date.

For questions or support with accounts or reservations, contact our team:
Call 734-302-8713 or email tools@washtenawcd.org

For more general information is on the WCCD's website on the Tool & Equipment Lending Library page.

To Reserve Tools & Equipment:

  1. Register your account, and log-in. OR Call 734-302-8713 or email tools@washtenawcd.org with your reservation request.
  2. Once you are registered, log in to view the tools and equipment available and make reservations.
  3. View the items by clicking on "All Items", or another category, on the left side.
    Choose the "Washtenaw Conservation District" to filter by tools available for that location.
  4. Choose your tool(s) and a date to pick them up on.
  5. Upon arrival, a WCCD staff member will provide the contracts to be filled /signed and the items on your loan. 
  6. Tools are due back in seven days unless other arrangements are made.

WCCD Equipment & Tools - Terms & Conditions
