Growing Hope Urban Farm - Tool Lending Library

The Growing Hope Tools & Equipment Lending Library is designed to make various tools and implements accessible to local producers and landowners. The tools & equipment in the rental program are intended for food production. We offer Hand Tools, DIY Resources, and larger Equipment rentals.

OPEN HOURS: The tool lending library is available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m. or by appointment.  Items must be returned by noon on the check-in date.

For questions or support with accounts or reservations, contact our farm team at 734.786.8401 or by emailing

For more information see Growing Hope's website.

To Reserve Tools & Equipment:

  1. First, complete the membership form.
    If you’d like a printed copy or need help completing this form, please contact us at 734.786.8401.
  2. View the items by clicking on "All Items", or another category, on the left side.
    Choose the "Growing Hope Urban Farm" to filter by tools available for that location.
  3. Choose your tool(s) and a date to pick them up on.
  4. Upon arrival, see a member of Growing Hope’s staff to visit the tool lending shed
  5. Tools are due back in seven days unless other arrangements are made.

Growing Hope - Loan Terms & Conditions

1. You must be 18+ to borrow tools from the Growing Hope Tool Lending Library (“TL”).

2. Growing Hope staff can explain how the tools work, but by renting an item, you are certifying that you are capable of using that item safely & properly.

3. Only you may use TL tools. Others cannot use the items you checked out, unless expressly permitted by TL.

4. You will not be charged for borrowing any tool, but will be told the suggested donation for that tool.

5. Return all tools to TL by 3 p.m. on their due date (7 days). Tools may only be returned during TL open hours: Tu. & Th. 1-3 or by appointment. TL may replace broken tools; you would be responsible for the replacement cost & a $5 administrative fee. Full fines must be paid before borrowing more items.

6. TL may use steps like a collection agency or legal action to retrieve delinquent tools or unpaid fees, & assess you with the cost of such action. TL may forgive fees in special circumstances.

7. You may renew each tool once if you contact TL by noon on the day that it is due & no other Member has reserved the tool. TL may refuse or limit renewals.

8. TL is not responsible for defects in a borrowed tool.

9. If a borrowed tool becomes unsafe or broken, immediately stop using the tool & notify TL of the issue on return, or earlier.

10. Returned tools must be clean & in the same (or better) condition as they were issued, barring normal wear & tear. You must pay for the loss of or damage to an item. You must accept TL’s assessment of the condition of items & TL’s assessment of restitution for damage, dirtiness, delinquency, & loss. This amount could equal the replacement cost of the item & a $5 administrative fee.

11. TL can refuse loan items at its discretion.

12. I have read & understand the rules & regulations of TL. I recognize that not complying with any of these rules may result in revocation of my borrowing privileges &/or legal action against me. Having read & signed a Waiver & Identification form, I relinquish any claims against Growing Hope.
